Public Submissions

Thank you Tasmania! Public consultation has now closed.

The Review may choose not to publish certain responses or parts of responses. All non-confidential submissions have been published to this page.

For more information, please refer to the Consultation Paper (PDF, 375KB) or contact   

Download a summary of the survey results (PDF, 200KB)

List of public submissions

AEU (PDF, 469KB)
Anonymous Submission 1 (PDF, 3.3MB)
Anonymous Submission 2 (PDF, 2.3MB)
Anonymous Submission 3 (PDF, 133KB)
Association for Children with Disability Tas (PDF, 928KB)
Australian School Library Association (PDF, 787KB)
B4 Early Years Coalition (PDF, 297KB)
D. Badcock (PDF, 157KB)
Beacon Foundation (PDF, 217KB)
Big Picture Australia (PDF, 393KB)
Burnie Works (PDF, 3MB)
R. G. Bury (PDF, 66KB)
Carers Tasmania (PDF, 376KB)
Catholic Education Tasmania (PDF, 2MB)
J. Celesti (PDF, 23KB)
Centre for Independent Studies (PDF, 598KB)
CREATE Foundation (PDF, 445KB)
L. Denny (PDF, 488KB)
T. Doe (PDF, 42KB)
Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (PDF, 1MB)
Elizabeth College School Association (PDF, 131KB)
M. Elliott (PDF, 58KB)
J. Ewington (PDF, 147KB)
M. Frost (PDF, 159KB)
B. Fuller (PDF, 135KB)
M. Garland (PDF, 200KB)
Glenorchy City Council (PDF, 579KB)
Grattan Institute (PDF, 210KB)
R. Harris (PDF, 614KB)
A. Harrison (PDF, 160KB)
M. Heferen-Faulkner (PDF, 64KB)
Independent Education Union Vic-Tas (PDF, 147KB)
Independent Schools Tasmania (PDF, 181KB)
P. Kearney (PDF, 90KB)
Launceston Grammar (PDF, 203KB)
Learning Creates Australia (PDF, 1MB)
D. Lewis (PDF, 1686KB)
K. McMahon (PDF, 677KB)
L. McNair (PDF, 176KB)
Office of Education Regulation (PDF, 1MB)
P. O’Halloran (PDF, 313KB)
K. Parker (PDF, 1.9MB)
A. Parrott (PDF, 140KB)
Peter Underwood Centre (PDF, 2MB)
Playgroup Tasmania (PDF, 193KB)
G. Proctor (PDF, 75KB)
Regional Development Australia (PDF, 243KB)
Regional Jobs Hub Network (PDF, 623KB)
J. Ridge (PDF, 2.6MB)
L. Robinson (PDF, 110KB)
M. Rowan (PDF, 764KB)
G. Rundle (PDF, 55KB)
Save the Children – 54 Reasons (PDF, 249KB)
M. Schmidt et al. (PDF, 214KB)
School Food Matters (PDF, 49KB)
P. Spratt (PDF, 440KB)
St Michael’s Collegiate School (PDF, 1MB)
G. Suitor (PDF, 809KB)
TasCOSS (PDF, 835KB)
TasICT (PDF, 373KB)
Tasmanian CCYP (PDF, 210KB)
Tasmanian Principals Association (PDF, 158KB)
M. Taylor (PDF, 239KB)
The Friends’ School (PDF, 152KB)
The Smith Family (PDF, 873KB)
Thirve Group (PDF, 134KB)
K. Turnbull (PDF, 33KB)
University of Tasmania (PDF, 442KB)
UTAS School of Education (PDF, 7MB)
K. Waldock (PDF, 1.1MB)
I. Webb (PDF, 245KB)
P. Webb (PDF, 42KB)
G. White (PDF, 188KB)
Youth Network of Tasmania (PDF, 239KB)