Thank you Tasmania! Public consultation has now closed.
The Review may choose not to publish certain responses or parts of responses. All non-confidential submissions have been published to this page.
For more information, please refer to the Consultation Paper (PDF, 375KB) or contact
Download a summary of the survey results (PDF, 200KB)
List of public submissions
AERO (PDF, 268KB) |
AEU (PDF, 469KB) |
AITSL (PDF, 503 KB) |
Anonymous Submission 1 (PDF, 3.3MB) |
Anonymous Submission 2 (PDF, 2.3MB) |
Anonymous Submission 3 (PDF, 133KB) |
Association for Children with Disability Tas (PDF, 928KB) |
Australian School Library Association (PDF, 787KB) |
B4 Early Years Coalition (PDF, 297KB) |
D. Badcock (PDF, 157KB) |
Beacon Foundation (PDF, 217KB) |
Big Picture Australia (PDF, 393KB) |
Burnie Works (PDF, 3MB) |
R. G. Bury (PDF, 66KB) |
Carers Tasmania (PDF, 376KB) |
Catholic Education Tasmania (PDF, 2MB) |
J. Celesti (PDF, 23KB) |
Centre for Independent Studies (PDF, 598KB) |
CPSU (PDF, 500KB) |
CREATE Foundation (PDF, 445KB) |
DECYP (PDF, 227KB) |
L. Denny (PDF, 488KB) |
T. Doe (PDF, 42KB) |
Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (PDF, 1MB) |
Elizabeth College School Association (PDF, 131KB) |
M. Elliott (PDF, 58KB) |
J. Ewington (PDF, 147KB) |
M. Frost (PDF, 159KB) |
B. Fuller (PDF, 135KB) |
M. Garland (PDF, 200KB) |
Glenorchy City Council (PDF, 579KB) |
Grattan Institute (PDF, 210KB) |
R. Harris (PDF, 614KB) |
A. Harrison (PDF, 160KB) |
M. Heferen-Faulkner (PDF, 64KB) |
Independent Education Union Vic-Tas (PDF, 147KB) |
Independent Schools Tasmania (PDF, 181KB) |
P. Kearney (PDF, 90KB) |
Launceston Grammar (PDF, 203KB) |
Learning Creates Australia (PDF, 1MB) |
D. Lewis (PDF, 1686KB) |
K. McMahon (PDF, 677KB) |
L. McNair (PDF, 176KB) |
NEAT (PDF, 236KB) |
Office of Education Regulation (PDF, 1MB) |
P. O’Halloran (PDF, 313KB) |
K. Parker (PDF, 1.9MB) |
A. Parrott (PDF, 140KB) |
Peter Underwood Centre (PDF, 2MB) |
Playgroup Tasmania (PDF, 193KB) |
G. Proctor (PDF, 75KB) |
Regional Development Australia (PDF, 243KB) |
Regional Jobs Hub Network (PDF, 623KB) |
J. Ridge (PDF, 2.6MB) |
L. Robinson (PDF, 110KB) |
M. Rowan (PDF, 764KB) |
G. Rundle (PDF, 55KB) |
Save the Children – 54 Reasons (PDF, 249KB) |
M. Schmidt et al. (PDF, 214KB) |
School Food Matters (PDF, 49KB) |
P. Spratt (PDF, 440KB) |
St Michael’s Collegiate School (PDF, 1MB) |
G. Suitor (PDF, 809KB) |
TasCOSS (PDF, 835KB) |
TasICT (PDF, 373KB) |
Tasmanian CCYP (PDF, 210KB) |
Tasmanian Principals Association (PDF, 158KB) |
TASSO (PDF, 369KB) |
M. Taylor (PDF, 239KB) |
The Friends’ School (PDF, 152KB) |
The Smith Family (PDF, 873KB) |
Thirve Group (PDF, 134KB) |
K. Turnbull (PDF, 33KB) |
University of Tasmania (PDF, 442KB) |
UTAS School of Education (PDF, 7MB) |
K. Waldock (PDF, 1.1MB) |
I. Webb (PDF, 245KB) |
P. Webb (PDF, 42KB) |
G. White (PDF, 188KB) |
Youth Network of Tasmania (PDF, 239KB) |