For children and young people

We want to hear from all school-aged children and young people about what education means for you.

There are two ways for you to have your say. You can do either, or both!

Complete a short survey

The survey lets you have your say on education in Tasmania.

Make a creative submission

We want to hear your thoughts on this question:

Imagine yourself at the end of school.
What have you learned, what have you achieved and who do you want to be?

To answer the question, you could share:

  • An image of a piece of artwork you have done (with a short explanation).
  • A piece of poetry.
  • Something written – a short story, a sentence, or a paragraph.

The choice is up to you!

Important information

  • We will ask for your year level (ie. year 9) but not your name or any other information about you.
  • We plan to publish your submissions on our website, unless you ask for them to be kept private.
  • We will not publish creative submissions that might identify you.
  • Some submissions will also be featured in the Final Report presented to Government.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot accept video submissions.